Traveller- Arcturus Station (English)
Deep in the Arcturus Belt, Station Three serves as a hub for business, commerce, and much needed rest for hard-working asteroid miners. But beneath the veneer and flashing casino lights, it is a place of theft, treachery, and murder.
The Travellers have been contracted to track down a missing ore freighter, and discover the reason for its disappearance. But things are not as they seem….
- Contacto telefónico: 936934785
- Número mínimo de jogadores: 3
- Número máximo de jogadores: 7
I want to play 🙂
Totally open to new players. I think everyone in Porto is new to it but me! I will have some pregens available to play.
Sorry Carolina, I was trying to respond to the other guy.
I’m interested, but I haven’t played Traveller before. Are you up for new players?
Totally welcome to play. I think everyone in Porto is new to this system but me.
Is there still room for one more?
Great! Count me in if you still have room.
We still have room, so I will count you in.
Hi there
Is it still possible to participate?
I’d like to join if so 🙂