



Savage Worlds [English session]

NOTA: Esta sessão será em inglês.

NOTE: This session will be in English.

GM: Gabriel Touça

Description of the adventure:
The distinguished Professor Archibald  Fullmore, PhD, has invited you, humble students, to share his enthusiasm for the discovery of what he believes to be the once lost tom of Reseph the mage, who, according to legend, had been imprisoned by Pharaoh Ramses II for terrible crimes. Although your team’s morale is high, the locals warn you of an alledged curse put forward by Raseph before the doors were closed. One day he would come back for revenge. However, you, of course, people of science, don’t believe in such superstitions.

Descrição da aventura desta sessão:
O excelentíssimo Professor Doutor Archibald Fullmore convidou-vos, os seus humildes pupilos, a partilhar o seu entusiasmo pela descoberta do que acredita ser o túmulo, outrora perdido, do mago Reseph, que segundo a lenda, fora aprisionado pelo faraó Ramsés II por terríveis crimes. Embora a moral da vossa equipa esteja alta, os habitantes locais alertam para uma alegada maldição rogada por Raseph antes de se encerrarem as portas. Um dia ele regressaria para se vingar. Mas claro, vocês, gente de ciência, não creem em superstições.

  • Contacto telefónico: 910602529
  • Número mínimo de jogadores: 3
  • Número máximo de jogadores: 4

7 respostas

  1. I’m Andrew, I’d like to sign up.

    Had another interested friend, unfortunately they’re out of town on that date.

    If a session in English prevents you from attracting other players, feel free to drop me, I don’t want to inconvenience you.

    Otherwise, thanks for having me, and email me with what I should prepare.

    1. Hey, Andrew!
      Glad to have you with us. A session in english won’t be a problem at all.
      Have you any prior experience with Savage Worlds? Anyhow, I might just blast the group through the important bits right in the beginning of the game. As this is a one off thing, I don’t plan on cooking by the book *wink*. I’ll send out a sheet pertaining to the relevant aspects of the characters, nothing special. They are of the b-movie star type. Attributes are up to you. Can I have your email address, please? Here’s mine:

      See you soon.

    1. Hallo!
      I’ll gladly have you at the table. Have you any experience with Savage Worlds? If not, that won’t be a problem, I’ll explain as we go and I won’t be following the rules to the letter anyway. I just ask of you to think about the general concept of your character, something simple, no rush. Can I have your email address to send you a sheet relevant to this? Here’s mine:

      Thanks and see you soon!

  2. I’d like to join also.
    I might arrive 15min. late, but I’ll try to be on time!
    Gonna watch some videos on youtube to get the base mechanics. If I can join, can you bring a pre-made char sheet for me please?
    See you Saturday!

  3. Greetings.
    You’re welcome to join. I might be able to build you a character, not gonna promise they will be well rounded though, I’m terrible at character creation. Don’t worry too much about the mechanics, I don’t plan on following the rules by the letter. The base ones will be enough. Here’s my email:
    Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

    See you Saturday!

    1. Hey Gabriel, might be bringing two other players if that’s ok with you, sent you an email with the details. Check your spam, just in case.


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