Legends of Andor (Lendas de Andor) + Legends of Andor: The Star Shield (1ª Expanção) + Legends of Andor: New Heroes (2ª Expanção)
O reino de Andor está em perigo. Inimigos vindos dos bosques e das montanhas dirigem-se para o castelo do velho rei Brandur. Só o vosso pequeno grupo de heróis consegue fazer frentes a eles. Vocês serão capazes de defender o castelo? À primeira aventura seguem-se muitas outras. Vocês terão de encontrar a bruxa e conseguir ervas medicinais para o rei enfermo. Valiosas pedras preciosas esperam-nos nas minas subterrâneas, mas também haverá perigos. E, por último, terão de enfrentar um velho e poderoso dragão que acaba de despertar. Vocês conseguirão superar todos estes desafios? Só juntos, vocês serão fortes e poderão se converter nos heróis de Andor.
Legends of Andor | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Legends of Andor: The Star Shield, dubbed the first expansion for Legends of Andor, presents the player heroes with new tasks they must now face. After defeating the dragon, the heroes go in search of the star shield – the great power of which could prove to be both a blessing and a curse should it fall into the wrong hands.
To make matters even worse, hungry wolves have been sighted during their journey, but if the players succeed in taming the alpha wolf, the wolf pack will become faithful companions in their fight against a resurgent evil.
Legends of Andor: The Star Shield | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Legends of Andor: New Heroes includes four new heroes for Legends of Andor, and these heroes can be used either with the base game or with The Star Shield expansion. With the new rules in this expansion, you can now play the game with up to six players. The new heroes are:
Bragor/Rhega, a Tarus from Sturmtal
Arbon/Talvora, a renegade keeper of the black archives
Fenn/Fennah, tracker from the Southern Wood
Kheelan/Kheela, warden of the Riverlands
Also included is the “Brother Shield”, and whoever carries this can exchange strength with one of the other heroes on the board twice. It can also be used as a normal shield.
This expansion includes new creature boards that strengthens the power of creatures when playing with five or six players. The drunken troll wanders aimlessly through the lands and pushes a creature along his path when he meets one, and the Dark Heralds make the boss creature stronger.
- Contacto telefónico: 911592121
- Número mínimo de jogadores: 2
- Número máximo de jogadores: 6
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