Blood on the Clocktower – English [Beginner’s Session]
“Blood on the Clocktower” is a bluffing game in which players are divided into two teams, Good and Evil, guided by a Storyteller who drives the action and makes crucial decisions.
During the “day” phase, players socialize openly and whisper privately to exchange knowledge or spread lies, culminating in the execution of a player if the majority suspects they belong on the evil team.
During the “night” time, players close their eyes and are awakened one at a time by the Storyteller to gather information, spread trouble, or kill.
Players must use all their powers of deduction and deception to survive this murder mystery game.
- More information about the game: Official Site
- Join our: Whatsapp group
- If you have 10 minutes: Rules video
We rotate weekly between beginner and advanced sessions. To sign up, please join our Whatsapp group here: Whatsapp group
See you soon!
- Número mínimo de jogadores: 7
- Número máximo de jogadores: 20
If there’s still room, I’d like to play too 🙂
I will join through the whats app
I would also like to come if there is still space.
I will join too
I’d like to join too